Presentation of the Draft Investment Case for Family Care

Catholic Relief Services

“When we talk about equity and efficiency and what is right for children, when we provide services to families and children, we need to make sure that we are not just investing wisely, but that we are reaching out more broadly to all children in need."

Changing the Way We Care Financial Advisor, Constantin Gudima, walks the audience through the highlights of the groundbreaking Investment Case for Family Care report. The report, developed by a team of CTWWC international and local consultants, assessed the existing financing of residential and family care services, using the best available data and estimated the resources required to fund the spectrum of programs and services Moldova needs to (i) prevent children from being placed in residential care; (ii) place children in safe, nurturing, and supported families; and (iii) transform residential settings into community assets that effectively meet community needs. Mr. Gudima outlines the cost-effectiveness of the minimum package of services and concludes that the data indicates that investment in these services is a sound investment with high returns, with savings to both individuals and government, and increased lifetime earnings.
