Social Protection Policies and Programmes

Poverty affects both the quality and length of children’s lives, reduces the ability of families to adequately provide for their children, and is a significant cause of family breakdown and child separation. Social assistance programmes aim to reduce child poverty and act as a safety net for families with minimal resources.

Displaying 441 - 450 of 460

Andy Bilson, Louise Fox, Ragnar Gotestam, and Judith Harwin,

Provides an overview of social service provision in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and provides information on ways to move resources away from institutional care, and into community-based social services. Contains specific examples from Latvia, Iceland, Sweden, Romania and other transitioning countries.

Esther Duflo ,

This research paper discussed the impact of the South African old-age pension program, or cash transfer, on the health of children living with an eligible recipient. It finds that both gender of the recipient and gender of the child living with the recipient are factors in health outcomes.

Republic of Moldova,

This document presents the social assistance law of Moldova.

Helen Meintjes, Sonja Giese, Debbie Budlender and Leigh Johnson,

Research study of the current social security provisions for orphans in South Africa, with a comparison of four alternative cash grant scenarios. Recommends a universal income support system for all children in need.

Anne Case, Victoria Hosegood, and Frances Lund ,

This research paper evaluates the impact of the Child Support Grant in South Africa. It finds that while there exists a strong commitment to implementation, the presence of a child’s mother is an important factor in program participation.

Louise Fox and Ragnar Götestam,

A paper in a series of papers that discusses the problems associated with changing social protection services and provides guidelines to aid countries restructure their financing systems for social care. The paper proposes more family-based and inclusive care programs and less institutional care.

Corinne Siaens, K. Subbarao, and Quentin Wodon,

This research paper explores the condition of orphaned children in Rwanda. The paper urges the design of appropriate social protection mechanisms, including differentiated policy responses, conditional cash transfers and increased access to education.

Marc Pilon,

Explores the relationship between fostering and education in West Africa. Identifies special need to focus on protecting and educating young girls.

Neddy Rita Matshalaga and Greg Powell ,

A brief editorial which argues that only by addressing the fundamental causes of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, such as poverty and social exclusion, will a sustainable solution be achieved. Support for extended families and education for children affected by HIV/AIDS are needed to respond the crisis, as well as a larger scale effort to transfer resources, strengthen economies and secure investments throughout Africa.

Farm Orphan Support Trust (FOST) of Zimbabwe,

A report of an action research study done by Farm Orphan Support Trust of Zimbabwe (FOST), to learn about the problems of child-headed households on commercial farms in Mashonaland Central and Manicaland provinces. The report includes the problems indentified and some recommendations for interventions, such as integration of psycho-social support and provision of material needs.