Kinship Care

Kinship care is the full-time care of a child by a relative or another member of the extended family. This type of arrangement is the most common form of out of home care throughout the world and is typically arranged without formal legal proceedings. In many developing countries, it is essentially the only form of alternative family care available on a significant scale.


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Claire McCartan, Lisa Bunting, Paul Bywaters, Gavin Davidson, Martin Elliott and Jade Hooper - Social Policy and Society,

This study provides UK evidence for the relationship between kinship care and deprivation and examines how the welfare state frames kinship care in policy and practice.

Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI),

CCAI’s Foster Youth Internship Program® is a highly esteemed congressional internship for young adults who spent their formative years in the U.S. foster care system. In this annual policy report, the interns focus on subjects they are personally passionate about due to their experiences and understanding after living in foster care and make personal recommendations for improving the U.S. foster care system.

Jeanette Skoglund, Renee Thørnblad, Amy Holtan - Qualitative Social Work,

The topic of interest in this paper is the relationship between children who live in kinship care and their birth parents – through childhood and adulthood.

Frank Ainsworth and Patricia Hansen - Children Australia,

This article reviews developments in the Australian NSW child protection system which aim to reduce the number of children in state care.

Yanfeng Xu, Charlotte Lyn Bright - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this systematic review is to compare the associations of kinship care and non-kinship care with children's mental health and to examine the factors associated with children's mental health in kinship care and non-kinship foster care.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report, in the Moldovan lanugage, presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Moldova.

Zulfiya Charyeva, Hasmik Ghukasyan, Armenia country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report, in Armenian, presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at bringing together key stakeholders—decision makers, policy developers, service providers, civil society representatives, and donors—to assess and identify the main care reform areas in which action is needed.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report, in the Moldovan langauge, presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Moldova.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Moldova.

Ismael Ddumba-Nyanzi, Michelle Li, Uganda country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report presents the findings from an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address high-priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Uganda.