Kinship Care

Kinship care is the full-time care of a child by a relative or another member of the extended family. This type of arrangement is the most common form of out of home care throughout the world and is typically arranged without formal legal proceedings. In many developing countries, it is essentially the only form of alternative family care available on a significant scale.


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Government of Liberia, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare - USAID, Maestral International, Save the Children, World Learning,

The Guidelines for Kinship Care, Foster Care and Supported Independent Living in Liberia are intended to provide harmonized national guidance for child welfare practitioners in order to improve the quality of family-based alternative care services in Liberia, particularly for children without appropriate care (CWAC).

Usang Maria Assim - Comparative African Legal Studies,

This book explores the legal and human rights dimensions of kinship care, the preferred alternative to parental care in the African context.

Karen M. Kresak, Peggy A. Gallagher ,

This review synthesized the literature from 1990 to 2013 regarding the subject of grandparents raising grandchildren, particularly grandchildren with disabilities.

Agnes Gautier and Sarah Wellard - Grandparents Plus,

This report presents findings from the first survey focussing on the challenges faced by kinship carers in the UK in bringing up children and their experience of discrimination and stigma. 


This issue brief from the UNHCR highlights key messages from UNHCR in regards to alternative care, including the importance of making alternative care arrangements based on the best interests of the child and using residential or institutional care only as a very last resort. 

SOS Children’s Villages, Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland, University of Malawi,

This report is based on a synthesis of eight assessments of the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children (“the Guidelines”) in Benin, Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Jorge F. del Valle and Amaia Bravo,

This article closes a special edition focused on the state of child protection in 16 countries chosen to represent very different cultural contexts, historical backgrounds, and social welfare systems with special attention to out-of-home care placements, principally family foster care and residential care, though several aspects related to adoption were included as well.

Emily R. Munro, Robbie Gilligan,

There has been a significant growth in the use of formal kinship care in the UK and Ireland in the last 20 years. The paper charts some of the reasons for the 'organic growth' of kinship care and the multiple dynamics that have shaped this.

Jane Calder and Bep Van Sloten,

This Handbook aims to provide guidance for Save the Children staff, NGO partners, Community Child Protection Groups and community volunteers in Myanmar in protecting the welfare of children living with extended family members.

Mark Courtney, Robert J. Flynn, Joël Beaupré,

This paper provides overview of the US and Canada in-care system, noting certain differences and similarities between the two systems. Estimates of the number of children in care in Canada and data on children in the US foster care systems is also provided.