Kinship Care

Kinship care is the full-time care of a child by a relative or another member of the extended family. This type of arrangement is the most common form of out of home care throughout the world and is typically arranged without formal legal proceedings. In many developing countries, it is essentially the only form of alternative family care available on a significant scale.


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Emily P. Taylor, Simona Di Folco, Melanie Dupin, Heather Mithen, Luis Wen, Lilian Rose, Kirsty Nisbet - Child & Family Social Work,

Using routine data from a kinship care helpline service, this study employed a mixed‐method analysis of the association between socioeconomic deprivation and risk factors reported by kinship carers in the UK and explored social capital in kinship families.

Susan Collings & Amy Conley Wright - Journal of Family Studies,

For this study, semi-structured interviews with twelve birth parents and twenty six permanent carers took place in New South Wales, Australia. Inductive thematic analysis was used to identify a pattern in the nature of adult relationships. The themes of 1) getting to know each other; 2) making family time; and 3) a shared future are presented.

Alhassan Abdullah, Ebenezer Cudjoe, Esmeranda Manful - Child & Family Social Work,

There is little empirical evidence on how to improve the well‐being and safety of children in informal kinship care in Ghana. Thus, this study reports findings from in‐depth interviews with 15 young people, 18 to 23 years, from Banda—an ethnic group where informal kinship care is an accepted cultural practice.

Yanfeng Xu, Charlotte Lyn Bright, Hui Huang, Haksoon Ahn, Terry V. Shaw - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study examined the relation between neighborhood disorder and children’s internalizing and externalizing problems among children in kinship care and tested caregivers’ social support as a potential mediator.

Karen Mclean Conceptualisation, Jessica Clarke, Dorothy Scott, Harriet Hiscock, Sharon Goldfeld - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper explores the experiences of Victorian foster and kinship carers accessing timely health assessment and ongoing healthcare for a child placed in their care; identifying barriers and enablers.

Karen Mclean Conceptualisation, Jessica Clarke, Dorothy Scott, Harriet Hiscock, Sharon Goldfeld - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper explores the experiences of Victorian foster and kinship carers accessing timely health assessment and ongoing healthcare for a child placed in their care; identifying barriers and enablers.

Jacinta M. Mwinzi, Prof. Nephat J. Kathuri, Dr. J.M. Kinzi - International Journal of Education and Research,

The purpose of this study was to determine the financial challenges faced by caregivers of orphans in Kitui Central Subcounty, Kitui County, Kenya.

Generations United,

This factsheet from Generations United provides grandparents who are raising grandchildren with resources and information on how to stay healthy, informed and connected in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Maria Moberg Stephenson & Åsa Källström - Child & Family Social Work,

This study aims to explore how young migrants in kinship care in a Swedish suburb describe what different places mean to them and what these descriptions can tell us about their sense of belonging.

Jill Brown, Abril Rangel-Pacheco, Olivia Kennedy, Ndumba Kamwanyah - Parents and Caregivers Across Cultures,

This chapter examines the cultural logic of child care in Africa, focusing on one variation of fosterage, okutekula, among the Ova-ambo in Northern Namibia.