Residential Care

Residential care refers to any group living arrangement where children are looked after by paid staff in a specially designated facility. It covers a wide variety of settings ranging from emergency shelters and small group homes, to larger-scale institutions such as orphanages or children’s homes. As a general rule, residential care should only be provided on a temporary basis, for example while efforts are made to promote family reintegration or to identify family based care options for children. In some cases however, certain forms of residential care can operate as a longer-term care solution for children.

Displaying 941 - 950 of 1459

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 

Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism - ECPAT,

This brief from ECPAT's Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism defines the term "voluntourism" and its risks to children, with a focus on orphanage voluntourism.

Thampi Anju, Sreejamol M G, Joy Febu Elizabeth – Indian Journal,

This study was aimed to identify adjustment problems of adolescents residing in an orphanage in Kerala, India, as well as to find out the association between adjustment problems of adolescents residing at orphanage with their socio-demographic variables. 

Kathryn van Doore, Laura Healy and Megan Jones - ReThink Orphanages,

This report “seeks to map Australia’s contribution to residential care institutions for children overseas across a number of sectors and identify opportunities for strategic engagement with various stakeholders in the Australian context.”

Republic of Zambia: Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health - Department of Social Welfare,

This brochure outlines the Public Welfare Assistance Scheme, including services related to inspection of child-care facilities and adoption.

National Council of Persons with Disabilities, National Commission for Children, UNICEF,

The purpose of this assessment was to review service delivery in centres for children with disabilities in Rwanda. This report establishes relevant baseline information on institutional capacity including services offered, staffing levels and other parameters regarding care of children with disabilities.

Rebeca Scorcia Popescu,

This study used a secondary analysis of data from 2003 to 2013 to better understand the situation of children temporarily abandoned in Romania. It looked at data for children aged 0-3 years who were abandoned in different hospital units or institutionalized in public orphanages or public and private foster care institutions. 

Satya Prakash Purohit & Balaram Pradhan - Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine,

This study implemented a 3-month yoga program with orphan adolescents in Bangalore, India and evaulated the impact of the program on adolescent executive functioning. 

David Brodzinsky, John Santa & Susan Livingston Smith - Residential Treatment for Children & Youth,

In this study, clinical program directors from 59 residential treatment facilities in the US responded to an online survey addressing the representation of adopted youth currently being served by their organization, the extent to which adoption issues are incorporated into clinical intake and treatment processes, and the training needs of clinical staff related to adoption.

Mónica Ruiz-Casares, Saithong Phommavong - Global Social Welfare,

This study explores the determinants of child-parent separation and the consequences of existing alternative care arrangements from the perspectives of adults and young people in Laos.