Helping Children Worldwide's Rising Tides Conference: Catalyzing Transition

Helping Children Worldwide

Helping Children Worldwide's Rising Tides Conference

Helping Children Worldwide's (HCW) annual policy conference, Rising Tides, will focus this year on how to continue to grow the impact of transition support services globally, building on the work that's already being done through Better Care Network's recent Train the Trainer events. HCW build off of these events, allowing room for transition practitioners to reconnect, reflect on the tools and how they're using them in their respective contexts, wrestle together with various concepts and how they might be applied practically, and examine and discuss pieces of the transition process - how they see and/or use the tool, what works, what doesn't. Rising Tides will take place in person in Washington DC on November 14 - 15, and will include some follow-up virtual broader engagement, but the most important piece is to bring these experts together in one place.

Our goal is for at least 50% of those attending to be transition practitioners from the Global South.  Organizations with the means to scholarship a TSS expert to attend are encouraged to do so.  HCW has also set up a fundraising campaign if you'd like to contribute to the funds to help TSS experts get to DC.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Laura Horvath at Helping Children Worldwide. 

HCW will host a Zoom call on September 11 at 9am EST to share more about the conference and answer any questions.  Register here.

Two Calls to Action:

  1.  Invite a transition expert from the Global South to attend 
  2.  Scholarship or sponsor a transition expert by providing financial support to get them there (either directly or through HCW's scholarship fund)
True Reformer Building | 1200 U Street NW | Washington DC