
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

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Jayni Gudka - LinkedIn

In this LinkedIn post, Jayni Gudka of Ground Asia writes about why the organization does not offer orphanage trips on any of its educational travel programs, outlining 8 reasons for this decision.

Cebu Daily News

The Senate of the Philippines has approved a measure that would simplify the adoption process in the country, according to this article from Cebu Daily News. 

Amelia Teng - The Straits Times

A new 3-year study in Singapore will investigate "how pre-schoolers from disadvantaged backgrounds and their families can be best helped," according to this article from the Straits Times.

Focus with Jessica Strutt - ABC Radio Perth

In this radio episode from Focus, Australian Senator Linda Reynolds and Dr Fiona McGaughey, Co-convenor UWA Modern Slavery Research Network discuss the recent passage of Australia's Modern Slavery Act, which includes a recognition of orphanage trafficking as a form of modern slavery.

Viki Gerova - 10 Daily

In this article, 10 Daily reporter, Viki Gerova, spoke to Rebecca Nhep, senior technical advisor for Better Care Network and co-founder of ReThink Orphanages, and others about the inclusion of orphanage trafficking in Australia's new Modern Slavery Act.

Eli Hager and Anna Flagg - Washington Post

This article from the Washington Post describes how families in the US are often separated permanently due to the incarceration of a parent.

Senator Linda Reynolds, Assistant Minister for Home Affairs

This media release from the office of Australia's Senator Linda Reynolds, Assistant Minister for Home Affairs, announces the passage of the Modern Slavery Bill, which includes a recognition of orphanage trafficking.

Kaya Burgess - The Times

A nine-year old boy has become "trapped in an orphanage" in the United Arab Emirates following the separation of his parents, according to this article from the Times.

BBC News

"Australia has become the first country in the world to recognise so-called orphanage trafficking as a form of modern-day slavery," says this article from BBC News.

BBC News

This video from BBC News features Russian writer Tamara Cheremnova who was born with Cerebral Palsy and placed in an orphanage as a child.