
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

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Lucy Hillier - Better Care Network

This report from Better Care Network's Care2Practice provides a summary of the 21-22 June 2017 Africa Expert Consultation on Violence against Children in All Care Settings through tweets, Facebook posts, videos, photos and other interactive media. 

MEASURE Evaluation

New MEASURE Evaluation two-year program will assess and improve Armenia's child protection system, with particular attention to children living in, or at risk of entering, residential care or those left without parental care.

Martin Punaks - Anti-Slavery Blog

For the first time in history, the U.S. Department of State's Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report acknowledges orphanages as a destination point for trafficked children in Nepal. Martin Punaks, of Lumos, discusses orphanage trafficking and the importance of its recognition in the TIP Report, as well as how to build on this momentum moving forward. 

The Korea Herald

Since South Korea's adoption of a law banning adoption agencies from accepting undocumented babies, the number of infants abandoned in the country have increased.

Jake Evans - ABC News

The Australian Capital Territory has the highest rate of indigenous children in care in Australia, and the Aboriginal community is calling for more cultural understanding from the child protection system. 

Sun Narin - VOA Khmer

Families of recently reintegrated children in Cambodia express mixed feelings upon their return, reporting concerns about children receiving adequate education and support services after leaving residential care facilities. 

Amy McLoughlin - Ayana Journeys

This blog post from Ayana Journeys offers alternatives to orphanage volunteering for those looking to "do good" while traveling. 

U. Hiran - The Hindu

A police investigation found 28 children trafficked into an orphanage in Kerala, India, prompting the formation of an investigative task force to verify the identities and credentials of children living in institutions. 

Georgette Mulheir, Janet Scardino, and Kathleen Strottman - Huffington Post

On 18-19 July 2017, a diverse range of leaders will convene in New York for Children Count: Closing the Data Gap to develop recommendations for how governments can be supported to collect accurate data on children outside family care to ensure no child is left behind.