Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.
In this article from Pakistan, The Nation reports on children living on the streets. The article states that the Society for Empowering Human Resources reports that there are 15,000 children living on the streets in Quetta.
News article from discussing how New Zealand's child protection policies fail to protect Maori heritage.
Australian children are removed from their families more often than anywhere in the Western world, nearly twice as often as in the US and almost three times the rate in New Zealand, a parliamentary inquiry into child welfare has heard," according to this article from the Australian.
An article from Japan News emphasizing the importance of promoting and expanding Japan’s foster parent system for the purpose of providing warm, reassuring environments in which children who cannot live with their parents due to abuse or other reasons can live.
In this opinion piece from the Huffington Post, Jacquiline Huerrera discusses how it is risky to make broad statements against orphanages.
In this article from NEWSok, Zaidoon Khalaf shares his experiences while attempting to reunify with his family Germany.
This article in the Guardian reports that French children’s services are struggling to cope with a dramatic surge in unaccompanied refugee children who have abandoned plans to travel to the UK and now want to remain in France.
The Atlantic reviews the challenges children face in the rural Kentucky.
This story from features Ruth and Buckel, a couple from Story City, Iowa who adopted 19 teenagers over the course of their relationship.
This is an article from The Advertiser stating that same sex couples will be given the right to adopt a child in South Australia if a Bill amending the state's adoption law is passed.