Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.
This editorial from the Toronto Star highlights the racial disproportionality in Toronto’s child welfare system and in child welfare systems across Canada.
This video is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. The 3-minute video summarizes the research on how and why orphanage trips are harmful to children.
This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. The post explains the harms of orphanage tourism.
Uganda’s President Museveni has assented to the Children's (Amendment) Bill 2015, a bill that “seeks to strengthen the protection of children's rights and restrict legal guardianship of children to Ugandan citizens,” according to this article from All Africa.
A small town in Quebec, Canada called Kangiqsualujjuaq - a primarily Inuit town with a population of 900 people - has instituted a new program called the Qarmaapik Family House. The program was developed in response to news that the town had more children in foster care than any other community in Nunavik.
This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. The post from Travel + Social Good describes some of the voluntourism industry’s “initiatives that are based on good intentions, but can be more detrimental than helpful for local communities.”
The state of Kentucky in the US has implemented a new program for youth aging out of foster care called 'Fostering Success.' The program “places young adults aged 18 to 23 in a 10-week office job at a local branch of the Kentucky Department for Community Based Service,” according to the article.
This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. This post, from Travindy, highlights statements made by travel companies and others in the tourism industry on the subject of orphanage tourism during the BVBC blogging blitz.
This article from iNews 880 in Canada highlights a recent report from the Ministry of Children and Family Development in British Columbia which found that 36 children in care in the province were housed in hotel rooms between November 2015 and May 2016.
This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. In this post, the author questions whether unqualified gap year and other volunteers are causing more harm than good.