
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

Displaying 2281 - 2290 of 2561
BBC Newshour

This episode of BBC Newshour highlights the issue of children living in institutions in Nepal, both before and after the earthquake.

World Vision

This post from World Vision tells the story of one mother in Nepal who was approached by strangers after the recent earthquake asking to adopt her children. The story highlights the increased dangers faced by children and families, especially those most vulnerable, after a natural disaster.

Family for Every Child

In this blog post, Family for Every Child highlights how the earthquake could see a rise in institutional care and calls for anyone supporting the situation in Nepal to prioritise families, not orphanages in relief efforts.

Eric Hartman -

In his blog post, Eric Hartman from highlights the efforts of actors in Nepal to discourage post-quake volunteering with vulnerable children, and also gives some guidelines for prospective volunteers on how to choose responsibly when it comes to selecting a volunteer placement.

SOS Children's Villages Canada

SOS Children’s Villages issued a statement, in response to the earthquake in Nepal, urging against the use of international adoption of children from Nepal as a means of responding to the disaster.

Amitava Banerjee, Hindustan Times, Darjeeling

This article from Hindustan Times highlights the increased rates of, and vulnerability to, trafficking that accompany a natural disaster, such as the earthquake in Nepal.

Debra Kamin - Time

This article, from Time, describes the efforts of the Israeli government to evacuate babies of Israeli parents - born to surrogate mothers in Nepal - in the aftermath of the recent earthquake.

Sheila Wayman - Irish Times

This article from the Irish Times describes the assessment and training process for prospective foster carers in Ireland, a process which the author says is necessarily rigorous and intrusive in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in foster care.

Claire Bennett - The Guardian

In this opinion piece from the Guardian, Claire Bennett from Learning Service, who lives and works in Nepal, writes about volunteering in Nepal in response to the recent earthquake and the potential negative impacts involved.

Fatima Schroeder - iOL News

This article from iOL news reports on recent changes to South Africa’s laws regarding foster care grants and child support grants.