
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

Displaying 651 - 660 of 2562
Patrick Vidija - The Standard

"SOS Children’s village has apologised for what it terms as 'failures to prevent children from being abused'" in response to the unmasking of "rampant cases of child abuse, corruption and breaches to protect the children's rights" in its Kenya centers, according to this article from the Standard.

Jagriti Chandra - The Hindu

"Social media posts appealing for adoption of children orphaned during COVID-19 are illegal, warn experts. They appeal that citizens must dial helpline 1098 to pass on information about children in need of care and protection," says this article from The Hindu.

Brent McDonald, Caroline Kim, Miguel Tovar and Luisa Conlon - The New York Times

"This story, split between Guatemala and Florida, offers a firsthand look at the continuing trauma of the Trump administration’s 'zero tolerance' separation policy," says the New York Times.

Ontario Government

"The Ontario government is engaging youth with lived experience to help develop a new framework that would see youth transition out of the care of children’s aid societies when they feel ready and better prepared," says this news release from the government of Ontario, Canada.

Priyali Sur - Slate

Many children in India have lost parents to the second wave of COVID-19. "Some find themselves in the care of relatives and guardians, others remain alone at hospital emergency rooms and homes not knowing what to do with their parents’ bodies."

Molly Hennessy-Fiske - Los Angeles Times

"The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency is still expelling most migrants under a Trump policy indefinitely closing the border during the pandemic to 'nonessential' travel," says this article from the Los Angeles Times, "though the Biden administration in February announced it would exempt unaccompanied children."

Kate Hodal - The Guardian

This article from the Guardian shares the stories of survivors of sexual and emotional abuse at a girls’ shelter on Bugala island, in the Ugandan sector of Lake Victoria.

AP News

"Mexico said Wednesday it is planning to set up 17 shelters for underage migrants along the country’s southern border, as well as some along the northern border with the United States, amid a wave of child migrants coming from Central America," says this article from AP News.

Brian Resnick - Vox

"Researchers now estimate that more than 40,000 children in the United States have lost a parent to Covid-19," says this article from Vox.

Notes from Poland

"A woman who left her infant son in a baby hatch – which can be used to safely and anonymously abandon babies – is now fighting in court to get him back," says this article.