
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

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Lisa O'Carroll - The Guardian

According to this article from the Guardian, "thousands of children of EU citizens who have been taken into care may become 'undocumented' adults with no right to work, rent a home or receive benefits, a charity has warned."

Paul Lynch & Paul Bradshaw - BBC News

According to this article from BBC News, campaign groups in the UK have called attention to the lack of available face-to-face contact for children with parents who are incarcerated, which they say is "crucial in maintaining the relationship between imprisoned parents and children."

Nina Shapiro - Seattle Times

According to this article, a local group in Washington state in the U.S. is "advocating for a state bill, passed by the House in early March, that would tighten the criteria for taking a child from a home at the first stages of a case before a full fact-finding hearing before a judge." 

Tom Spiggle - Forbes

According to this article from Forbes, two U.S. senators have reintroduced a family leave law called the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act (FAMILY Act).


"New Zealand’s Catholic Church formally apologised on Friday to the survivors of abuse within the church and said its systems and culture must change," says this article from Reuters.


With permission from Uyghur parents desperate for answers, for this video, CNN's David Culver traveled to the heavily surveilled Xinjiang region in search of their children left behind.

Margaret Paul and Norman Hermant - ABC News

"A new report has highlighted, for the first time, the disproportionate number of young people in out-of-home-care [in Australia] who are reported as missing nation-wide," says this article from ABC News. 

Radio Free Asia

"Mass incarceration of Uyghurs in northwestern China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) has scattered some 500,000 Uyghur children in boarding schools, orphanages, and other institutions run by the Chinese state—a state that experts say is committed to the long-term eradication of the ethnic group," says this article from Radio Free Asia.


This is a speech delivered by Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director, at the World Economic Forum March 21, 2022. She details the ongoing work UNICEF Ukraine is doing on the ground even as child casualties continue to grow.

BBC News

"China has forcibly separated Uighur families by taking young children into state orphanages, according to human rights group Amnesty International," says this article from BBC News.