
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

UNICEF, Changing the Way We Care,

The UNICEF/ CTWWC Regional learning platform on care reform in Eastern and Southern Africa will be holding a webinar on care reform for children with albinism. What do efforts to care for children with albinism tell us about disability inclusive care reform? Efforts to prevent family separation and support family-based alternative care for this highly vulnerable group of children have led to many lessons learnt on care reform in Africa.

World Childhood Foundation,

Date: Tuesday 10 October 2023

Time: 10:00 (UTC/GMT +02:00 - Europe / Brussels)

Kate McAlpine, Raphael Dennis, Janeth Semwene, Belinda Mziray, Citizens 4 Change, World Childhood, Pamoja Leo, Railway Children, Families & Futures Coalition of Tanzania,

This mixed-methods study collects survey data from 253 adults involved with vulnerable children in Tanzania and narrative data from 31 young adults who experienced residential care during their childhood. The research fills a gap in the literature about the lived experiences of children in institutional care and the impacts of this type of care on their lives.

Victor Vedasto, Adam Matiko Charles, Africanus Calist Sarwatt,

The study aimed to assess social and psychological challenges facing orphaned children living in the orphanages in Tanzania.

Edna Kyaruzi,

This study aimed at investigating the psychosocial wellbeing of orphaned children in selected primary schools in Tanzania. 

Associated Press,

A drive to vaccinate more than 9 million children against polio has been launched this week in four countries in southern and eastern Africa after an outbreak was confirmed in Malawi.

Early Childhood Development Network (ECDAN), UNICEF, Aga Khan Foundation, Lego Foundation, Africa Early Childhood Development Network,

This webinar, informed by both detailed case studies developed by the Aga Khan Development Network and UNICEF programme implementation in Zambia with the support of the LEGO Foundation, provided a unique opportunity to engage with and understand the experiences of government, development partners, civil society, frontline health workers, and parents in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Bertha Erasto Losioki - East African Journal of Education Studies,

This study assessed educational opportunities and the support available to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Bagamoyo District to determine socioeconomic and psychological factors that limit access to education.

Amon Exavery, John Charles, Erica Kuhlik, Asheri Barankena, Godfrey Martin Mubyazi, Levina Kikoyo, Elizabeth Jere - HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care,

This study examines how food insufficiency relates to HIV infection among caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Tanzania.

John Charles, Amon Exavery, Asheri Barankena, Erica Kuhlik, Godfrey M. Mubyazi, Ramadhani Abdul, Alison Koler, Levina Kikoyo & Elizabeth Jere - AIDS Research and Therapy,

This study assesses the magnitude of, and factors associated with undisclosed HIV status to a community-based HIV prevention program among caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Tanzania.