Displaying 1 - 10 of 26

Clifford O. Odimegwu - Family Demography and Post-2015 Development Agenda in Africa,

This paper examines all policy and laws related to families in the South, West, East and Central regions of sub-Saharan Africa.

Adrian D. van Breda & John Pinkerton - Emerging Adulthood,

The special issue of Emerging Adulthood titled “Care-Leaving in Africa” is the first collection of essays on care-leaving by African scholars. This article, coauthored by scholars from North and South, argues in favor of North–South dialogue but highlights several challenges inherent in this, including the indigenizing and thus marginalizing of African experience and scholarship and divergent constructions of key social concepts.

Better Care Network ,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of Guinea’s periodic report to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Janet Njelesani - Child Abuse & Neglect,

Guided by social-ecological theory, this study explores responses to violence against children with disabilities, including preventative measures and treatment of victims in the West African countries of Guinea, Niger, Sierra Leone, and Togo.

Janet Njelesani, Goli Hashemi, Cathy Cameron, Deb Cameron, Danielle Richard and Penny Parnes - BMC Public Health,

This study explores violence experienced by children with disabilities based on data collected from four countries in West Africa- Guinea, Niger, Sierra Leone, and Togo.


l'UNICEF Guinée est à la recherche de professionnels qualifiés et talentueux pour exercer la fonctions de Spécialiste de la Protection de l'Enfant au grade de NOC.


This report examines three Ebola-affected countries – Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea – to analyse the degree to which the response was successful in addressing the scale and unique nature of the child protection situation that arose due to the epidemic.

UNICEF Guinea,

Le présent document sert de guide simplifié pour l’orientation des différents intervenants   impliqués dans la prise en charge psychosociale des enfants en centre de traitement Ebola depuis l’accueil en passant par le séjour hospitalier de l’enfant et la gestion de sa sortie.

UNICEF Guinea,

Pour les enfants de Guinée dont un des parents, ou même parfois les deux, ont succombé au virus Ebola, jeux et activités de groupe offrent un moyen de se joindre à des enfants de leur âge et de retrouver un moment de bonheur. 

UNICEF Centre de presse,

Pour les enfants de Guinée dont un des parents, ou même parfois les deux, ont succombé au virus Ebola, jeux et activités de groupe offrent un moyen de se joindre à des enfants de leur âge et de retrouver un moment de bonheur.