
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC), Identity Mission,

The story of Identity Mission tells how a program focused on supporting vulnerable children by providing family-based care solutions alongside the local church came to be and what the challenges were to creating a mission focused on family. It is the story of one person’s own transition.


This edition of Humanitarian Action for Children – UNICEF’s annual humanitarian fundraising appeal – describes the ongoing crises affecting children on the move and COVID-19 in Mexico and Central America (including unaccompanied and separated children); the strategies that UNICEF is using to respond to these situations; and the donor support that is essential in this response.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

Este webinario presenta la nota técnica de protección de los niños contra la violencia, el abuso y la negligencia en casa.

Martha Lorena Suazo, Kevin Alberto Cruz, Henry Parada - Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud,

Este artículo explora las prácticas institucionales que facilitan u obstaculizan la protección de derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes en el sistema de protección de la niñez en Honduras a través de sus diferentes etapas.

Save the Children,

The primary purpose of this report is to recommend evidencebased strategies to improve the relevance and effectiveness of field interventions that target development outcomes for girls on the move in Central America and Mexico. 

Darcy L. Strouse Kathryn Moore - New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development,

The purpose of this commentary is to reflect on the utility and possible application of the suggestions and study designs in this special issue to real‐life intervention studies in dynamic context settings.

Together for Girls y Gobierno de la República de Honduras,

Esta página de datos presente un resumen de los datos encontrados en la Encuesta de Violencia Contra los Niños, Niñas y Adolscentes de Honduras.

Together for Girls & Government of Honduras,

This fact sheet presents an overview of the data found in Honduras’s Violence Against Children Survey.

Sindy Flores - New York Times,

In this opinion piece for the New York Times, Sindy Flores, a mother and migrant to the US from Honduras, writes about her experience of family separation in the US.

Gobierno de Honduras, Subsecretaría de Seguridad en Prevención, Secretaría de Seguridad,

El siguiente resumen resalta los hallazgos principales de la Encuesta de Violencia contra Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (EVCNNA) Honduras 2017.