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This article analyses the search strategies of first families in Bolivia contesting the separation of their children through transnational adoption. These first parents’ claims to visibility and acknowledgement have remained largely ignored by adoption policy and scholarship, historically privileging the perspectives of actors in adoptive countries, such as adoptive parents and adoption professionals.
Drawing from the learning from participatory research in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as Australia, this webinar introduced different approaches used to engage individuals with lived experience of alternative care in research efforts.
This research brought together the testimonies of adoption professionals (national and international) concerned with the situation of abandoned and placed children in five South American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Peru. The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the new realities of adoption, in a context where these countries have chosen to limit or stop their foreign adoption practices.
The purpose of this review is to explore how UNICEF country offices have used Public Finance for Children (PF4C) analyses and interventions within child protection, with a view to learning lessons from their experiences.
The purpose of the research is to generate learning and recommendations to develop public policies to support the transition of adolescents and youth from the alternative care system to autonomous life in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.
This webinar builds up on the results of the research More Autonomy, More Rights (2020) Coordinated by CSO Doncel, in the representation of the Latin American Network of Care Leavers and supported by UNICEF LACRO and Hope and Homes for Children.
Este video describe brevemente la investigación de la Red Latinoamericana de Egresados de Protección coordinado por DONCELque estudió cómo se dan los egresos de las y los adolescentes que crecieron bajo el sistema de protección del Estado, lejos de sus familias por haber sufrido abusos, maltratos y violencia.
En este informe se presentan los resultados de la investigación llevada adelante en Bolivia que tuvo por objetivo construir información sobre las principales políticas, medidas y acciones que se desarrollan a nivel regional orientadas a acompañar el egreso de adolescentes y jóvenes del sistema de cuidados alternativos e indagar respecto de su eficacia, efectividad, sostenibilidad y adecuación a un enfoque de derechos.
El presente informe reúne los hallazgos principales de una investigación de carácter exploratorio-descriptivo que ha sido desarrollada en seis países de la región (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, México y Perú). El objetivo fue documentar y analizar las políticas, estrategias y acciones desarrolladas para promover y acompañar la transición de adolescentes desde el sistema de cuidados alternativos hacia la vida autónoma.
This exploratory research led by Kindernothilfe between May – July 2020 shows how the challenges facing working children and their families have been exacerbated since the outbreak and it presents their recommendations for effective and relevant responses to the pandemic.