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Despite high risks en route and upon arrival, Rohingya movement to Malaysia continues. This snapshot focuses on the specific risks facing Rohingya women and children before leaving Myanmar or Bangladesh, during their journey, and upon arrival in Malaysia. MMC Asia has been conducting survey with Rohingya in Malaysia since January 2019 in order to better understand their migration experiences. This snapshot contributes to building a solid evidence base to inform targeted responses that improve protection for Rohingya refugees and inform advocacy efforts related to movements to Malaysia.
The Malaysian government does not have any plans to ban underage marriages, but women, family and community development minister Rina Harun says it remains committed to preventing such unions. She said there was a need to manage the issue through education, advocacy, strengthening the family institution and socioeconomic support in the community.
GBP £50-55,000 equivalent - fixed in local currency. Salary will be determined based on experience and adjusted to the local market rate.
Malaysian children, especially teenagers, are becoming anxious and depressed from spending too much time online with classes and socialising limited mostly there, a new study finds.
The aim of this study was to investigate the status of children depression using the Children Depression Inventory (CDI) at 21 shelter care institutions in Terengganu, Malaysia.
The current randomized control study aimed to determine, if a life skills-based intervention could improve the emotional health and self-esteem among Malaysian adolescents in orphanages.
The first multi-country review of the social service workforce in the East Asia and Pacific region was prepared by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance (GSSWA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) with the support and contribution of many people throughout the region. This report is one of several regional reports being produced by GSSWA and UNICEF to increase the availability of information on the social service workforce, and provide a baseline from which to consider ongoing workforce strengthening initiatives.
This qualitative study uses speech act categories and stages of concern to examine the voices of concern, of teachers and caregivers towards the academic performance of foster children in Malaysia.
The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework on the key determinant of psychosocial adjustments in terms of behavior, social, emotion and mental health among abused children in residential care.
Family for Every Child is looking for a Knowledge Management Coordinator to strengthen the Alliance’s capacity to transform information into knowledge, which both informs their own joint work and is used to evidence impact, and influence others.