United Kingdom

List of Organisations

Displaying 171 - 180 of 1118

List of Organisations

Maura Daly, Mark Smith - International Journal of Social Pedagogy,

This article offers an account of the authors’ experiences as foster carers for an unaccompanied asylum seeker (and through him, supporting other asylum-seeking boys).

Mike Stein - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper explores the history of the rights movement of young people in care in England between 1973 and 2011.

John Pinkerton - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper aims to promote thinking about care leave leaving from a historical perspective.

Mariela Neagu - The British Journal of Social Work,

This article explores the concept of care and the responsibility assumed by ‘states’ when taking children into care.

Paul Lynch & Paul Bradshaw - BBC News,

According to this article from BBC News, campaign groups in the UK have called attention to the lack of available face-to-face contact for children with parents who are incarcerated, which they say is "crucial in maintaining the relationship between imprisoned parents and children."

Lisa O'Carroll - The Guardian,

According to this article from the Guardian, "thousands of children of EU citizens who have been taken into care may become 'undocumented' adults with no right to work, rent a home or receive benefits, a charity has warned."

S. L. Parry, T. Williams & C. Burbidge - Child & Youth Care Forum,

Using a novel multisystemic trauma-informed model of care with an embedded developmental monitoring index, the Restorative Parenting Recovery Programme, pilot data was collected from young people and care staff from four residential homes over a two-year period.


This free online session will introduce emerging adulthood theory as a social concept and will explore and address its implications for Scotland's care system.

Emily Dugan - The Sunday Times,

"Babies and children are still being removed from families unnecessarily, according to the chief social worker for children and families in England," says this article from the Sunday Times.

Yvonne J Francis, Laura Rowland, Sarah Humrich, Sally Taylor - Adoption & Fostering,

This article seeks to echo the voices of 36 children aged 10 to 12 who participated in a therapeutic primary to secondary transition initiative for looked after children.