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Kids need families not 'voluntourism'

Gary Nunn - The Sydney Morning Herald

Orphanage volunteers often travel abroad with good intentions, but their "help" is contributing to the growing business of orphanage voluntourism, which profits by offering opportunities to meet the demand of Westerners hoping to help children abroad. In turn, children are being separated from their families, receiving improper care, and even exploited in the process. 

Moves to Stop Volunteering at Overseas Orphanages

Luke Michael - Pro Bono Australia

Momentum is building in Australia to end orphanage volunteering overseas as the voices of advocates presenting the research on institutionalization become more prevalent in the media and big businesses from the tourism industry begin to follow suit. 


The Ugly Truth of Volunteering Overseas

Zoe Kounadis - Radio Adelaide

In this radio interview, Leigh Mathews of ReThink Orphanages discusses why orphanage volunteering is harmful to the development of children and provides tips for those seeking international volunteering opportunities. 

Aussie tourists are supporting child slavery overseas

Robert Madsen - AVI

Overseas volunteering in orphanages has become a trend for tourists from Australia and other Western countries; this trend has fueled the recruitment and trafficking of poor children to fill orphanages as a means to profit off the donations of tourists.