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Better Volunteering Better Care Blogging Blitz

Better Volunteering Better Care

The Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s blogging blitz is a month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering, under the hashtag #StopOrphanTrips. 

International development organisations on why to say no to orphanage volunteering

Better Volunteering Better Care - Medium

This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. This post introduces Better Volunteering Better Care’s position paper on orphanage volunteering and highlights some of the posts from the blogging blitz.

How Volunteering Abroad in Orphanages is Harmful to Children

Eric Hartman, Better Volunteering Better Care - Matador Network

This video is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. The 3-minute video summarizes the research on how and why orphanage trips are harmful to children.

Debunking the orphanage myth

Kelley Louise - Travel + Social Good

This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. The post from Travel + Social Good describes some of the voluntourism industry’s “initiatives that are based on good intentions, but can be more detrimental than helpful for local communities.”

Are we more interested in feeling good than actually doing good?

Loretta Cotter - Medium

This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. In this post, the author questions whether unqualified gap year and other volunteers are causing more harm than good.

How The Umbrella Foundation is Helping End “Voluntourism” in Nepal

Brianne Miers - A Traveling Life

This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. In this post, the author interviews Caroline Scheffer, former Country Director of the The Umbrella Foundation, who shares her thoughts on volunteer and orphanage tourism, and her recommendations for helping ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable children in developing countries.