The Kenya-Italy “Virtual Exchange Program on Foster Care” aims to create a platform for learning, networking and sharing knowledge and best practices on Foster Care among different government stakeholders, from Kenya and Italy.
The exchange program took place on 5th, 7th and 9th July 2021.
The Kenya-Italy “Virtual Exchange Program on Foster Care” aims to create a platform for learning, networking and sharing knowledge and best practices on Foster Care among different government stakeholders, from Kenya and Italy.
The exchange program took place on 5th, 7th and 9th July 2021.
This webinar, the fourth in a series from the Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform, explored the importance of protecting the child’s right to identity in how it is created, how it may be modified and/or falsified in alternative care as well as the need to preserve information about the child’s identity, notably family relations.
This webinar explores the importance of protecting the child’s right to identity in how it is created, how it may be modified and/or falsified in alternative care as well as the need to preserve information about the child’s identity, notably family relations.
Accurate and reliable data on children living in residential care institutions are essential. However, these children are not identified through household surveys and, as a result, are not typically included in official national statistics on key indicators of child well-being. This includes indicators that comprise global monitoring frameworks, such as the Sustainable Development Goals. To help address this data gap, UNICEF has developed the first-ever comprehensive package to collect data on children living in residential care settings. Claudia Cappa, Senior Adviser for Statistics and Monitoring, Data and Analytics Section, DAPM/UNICEF HQ, explains more.
This two-part launch event reveals research, insights, and a new, 7-point plan for how to achieve equality in care work, launched in this year’s State of the World’s Fathers 2021 report.

Join this United Nations Forum session to discuss and ask questions about child labour in Asia-Pacific in the digital area.

In this webinar, members of the International Parent Advocacy Network discussed parent advocacy and presented the literature review International Review of Parent Advocacy in Child Welfare: Strengthening Children's Care and Protection Through Parent Participation. The webinar included presentations from parent advocates who shared examples of parent advocacy in their contexts.
In this webinar, prevention experts discuss the process, experiences, and challenges of the ongoing integration of IPV prevention and gender into the Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS) Skilful Parenting Programme, and inclusion of VAC in the Indashyikirwa couples IPV prevention programme.
This session’s speakers discussed the funding ecosystem’s challenges and barriers and highlighted examples of how innovative funding mechanisms are reinventing donor giving by shifting resources and power closer to the children, young people, families, and communities they are meant to support.