With efforts underway at the international level to reconcile different approaches to the right of the child to grow up in a family – in the CRPD, CRC and the UN Guidelines – this webinar addressed some of the following questions: how to ensure every child can grow up in a family, is residential care justified in any circumstance, how to ensure that children growing up in group homes and other residential care settings are given an opportunity to access family-based care, and the right to independent living.
This video provides a short summary of the INSPIRE objective and goals, strategies included, measures to be implemented and good practices develop across the globe.
This short webinar delivered by Dr Alex Butchart, WHO, and Ms Sabine Rakotomalala, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, is an introduction to the evidence-based strategies and interventions gathered in INSPIRE, a technical package to reduce and prevent violence against children.
This webinar, hosted by the Cash Transfer and Child Protection Task Force, aimed to discuss the newly released report, “Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Review and Opportunities to Strengthen the Evidence.”

This conference focuses on the ways social work research and practice can operate in context of changing welfare state paradigms, and in particular how core values of human rights and social justice can be embodied and realised.

Family for Every Child would like to invite you to an Online Event to discuss models and systems for Kinship Care in Brazil. Pre-recorded presentations from three different speakers will be released on Wednesday 27 March. One week later on Wednesday 3 April at 13:00 UK time, they will host a live Q&A panel discussion with the featured presenters.
Family for Every Child would like to invite you to an Online Event to discuss models and systems for Kinship Care in Brazil. Pre-recorded presentations from three different speakers will be released on Wednesday 27 March. One week later on Wednesday 3 April at 13:00 UK time, they will host a live Q&A panel discussion with the featured presenters.
Family for Every Child would like to invite you to an Online Event to discuss models and systems for Kinship Care in Brazil. Pre-recorded presentations from three different speakers will be released on Wednesday 27 March. One week later on Wednesday 3 April at 13:00 UK time, they will host a live Q&A panel discussion with the featured presenters.
This video from 1MillionHome shares the story of one children's home in Kenya, Agape, that transitioned from a "traditional orphanage" to a family reunification center.
This webinar offers foundational information related to the intersection of culture, the migration journey, trauma and assessment.