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The Trust Conference 2018, hosted by Thomson Reuters Foundation, featured a conference theme on orphanage and trafficking. This video explains how orphanages have become a money-making industry which exploits children.

A panel event on orphanage trafficking was held at Thomson Reuters Foundation's Trust Conference 2018 on 14 November 2018. This video captures the discussions of that event, including a statement from one young care leaver from Nepal who told her story of being institutionalized in the country.

This video from the Thomson Reuters Foundation Trust Conference 2018 highlights the "actions" that participants can take to address the issues presented at the conference, particularly actions related to ending orphanage trafficking.

In this video, Kate van Doore, International Child Rights Lawyer of Griffith University Law School, discusses her experience with opening up an orphanage in Nepal, and another in Uganda, and then discovering that the children in these homes had living parents and families and that the orphanages had been made into money-making enterprises. 

This segment from Roundtable explores the issue of voluntourism and its potential to yield harmful impacts. The participants, including Georgette Mulheir the CEO of Lumos, discuss orphanage voluntourism among other forms of voluntourism.

This webinar reviews some of the new and ongoing work conducted under the Transfer Project, a multi-organizational research and learning initiative. The first presentation will summarize findings from recent reviews published on understanding linkages and impacts of cash transfers and social safety nets on intimate partner violence and violence against children in low- and middle income settings.

This video from Focus in Africa, BBC World News highlights findings from a recent Disability Rights International (DRI) report which explores the practice of infanticide of children born with disabilities in Kenya.

This film from Lumos is about the people who know that there is an alternative to institutional care, and who are working hard to make it happen.

On 29 August 2018, the Save the Children Child Protection Global Theme hosted a webinar entitled: Researching Violence Against Children: An Overview of Ethical Considerations.

This video presents an exchange of lessons and experiences between youth and adult representatives of Nebraska Children and Families Foundation in the United States and Doncel Asociación Civil in Argentina, highlighting authentic youth engagement in addressing the needs of former foster youth.