In this session of the Advocacy Sector Conversations Forum, Barbara Carter and Kate Fitt discussed issues around child protection and provided some practical tips on how to support parents with disability in their dealings with child protection agencies.

Care to Practice's Lucy Hillier speaks to Dr. Rachel Bray about a recent review of evidence on family care, parenting and adolescence in East and Southern Africa.

In this video, Florence Martin & Delia Pop sit down together to discuss the concept of “gatekeeping” in relation to children’s care, the role it plays in ensuring informed and appropriate decisions about children’s care, and how it operates in practice in different contexts and stages.
During this webinar on Thursday, May 11th, 2017, the second in the series of webinars organized by the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts, two experts Mike Dottridge and Professor Jacqueline Bhabha outlined their current work on one of the key outputs of the initiative: a working document entitled “Child Rights in the Global Compact”.
This documentary from 'Real Stories' tells the stories of three young adults who were born in Romania and spent their early years in large-scale institutions.

This document describes the 2017-2020 strategy of Family For Every Child. The Strategy paper highlights the mission and vision of Family For Every Child, provides examples of past work and key lessons, and describes its approach and goals to create change toward better care for children.

In this video from VICE, undocumented children face danger attempting to cross the border into the U.S. from Mexico. Those who end up in detention live in squalid, prison-like conditions.
During this webinar on Wednesday, March 22, 2017, Save the Children’s Daniela Reale and Terres des Hommes’ Ignacio Packer provided an update on the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts and its work to date with a view of exploring how its work can be catalytic to a broader action for the support of children’s rights in the upcoming national, regional and global processes.
Street children in Nigeria face risks of being recruited by terrorist organizations. This program held by American University of Nigeria hopes to reduce children’s risks of recruitment.
This documentary video tells the story of Sham, a single mother from Syria seeking safety in Europe.