In this video, CNN investigates a Kenyan orphanage, which recruited children like Teresia (featured) to gain international funding.
Delphine Moralis discusses the 10,000 refugee children that have gone missing in the EU.
On Monday, January 23, 2017, the Alliance’s Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) Working Group organized and led the webinar “What have we learned from the child protection response in epidemics during the Ebola crisis?”
In this video from The Dr. Phil Show, Dr. Phil discusses the foster care crisis in the U.S. and the negative impact over-reliance on foster care can have on children and families.
The topic of this webinar is child and youth participation in monitoring and evaluation. This video provides a brief context of child participation and participatory methods.
This video shares the story of two siblings reintegrated from an orphanage in Myanmar through the ACCIR Kinnected Program.

This infographic from the Elevate Children Funders Group describes how private donors add to the "pull factors drawing more vulnerable children into institutional care and away from family or community care."

This short animation tells the story of a young boy and girl forced to flee their homes, and how detention can be avoided in order to complete their migration status.

This infographic provides quick status reports on deinstitionalisation in the following countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Hungary, Poland and Romania.

This video from the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute explains how the state of Missouri in the US reformed its child welfare system by strengthening the social service workforce.