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The 2016 2016 OVC Applied Research & Best Practice Symposium will take place May 4, 2016 in Orlando, FL, USA. The 2016 Symposium will focus on the integration of trauma-informed practices into all aspects of care for OVC.  It is designed to help frontline OVC practitioners integrate their program design and implementation with current research and the best knowledge available today. 

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the world was shocked to learn that countless children were being held in unsanitary and hazardous conditions within Romanian orphanages.  This video tells of Izidor Ruckel’s experience while growing up in a Romanian orphanage, along with his eventual immigration to the U.S. where he was adopted by a family from California.

This video tells the story of a boy in China who lives in the countryside with his grandmother while his parents are working in a factory in another city.

This special documentary episode of PBS’s “To the Contrary” explores the trend away from orphanages and towards family reunification. 

Izidor Ruckel was one of thousands of children found living in terrible conditions in Romanian orphanages after the collapse of the Communist government. This short video from BBC News shares his story.

People with psychosocial disabilities (mental health conditions) in Indonesia are shackled or forced into institutions where they often face physical and sexual violence, and involuntary treatment including electroshock therapy, seclusion, restraint and forced contraception. Human Rights Watch examines how people with psychosocial disabilities often end up chained or locked up in overcrowded and unsanitary institutions, without their consent, due to stigma and the absence of adequate community-based support services, including mental health care. 

In this video from the Brainwaves Video Anthology, Dr. Charles Nelson shares some findings from his research on the impacts of deprivation on children's cognitive and brain development through the Bucharest Early Intervention Project.

This animated video describes Indonesia's Families First Signature Program which began in 2005. The goal of Families First is to ensure that every child in Indonesia has a safe, family environment, recognizing that family-based care is best for child development. The video describes how the Signature Program has helped shift care away from institutions towards family-based care.

A new video describes a Mailman School-led study to assess the size of the problem. Interspersed with footage of children in informal settlements and orphanages, researchers and officials describe the growth of residential care facilities in Cambodia, many which are operated or funded by foreign charities, including religious groups. 

The story of a young boy who gave up being a child soldier to participate in UNICEF's reintegration program.