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This video describes the work of the Alternative Care Panel in Uganda, a panel composed of professionals who assess the stability of potential adoptive or foster parents to determine if the parents can provide for needy and vulnerable children, with the ultimate goal of keeping children out of institutional settings and in family-based care.


In this video report, Journeyman Pictures follows a man who has opened a “baby box” in South Korea where women can anonymously drop off their unwanted babies.

A series of three videos on how early experiences are built into our bodies and brains.

A series of three videos on how early experiences are built into our bodies and brains.

A series of three videos on how early experiences are built into our bodies and brains.

This is a short animation movie produced by the Child Protection Working Group for the launch of the "Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action". It tells the story of Samira, who became separated from her family during an emergency and found child protection workers who were able to locate her family and reunify them.

In this TED Talk, Daniela Papi - founder of PEPY, a Cambodian youth leadership organization, and PEPY Tours, a development education travel company - speaks of the ways that international volunteering can be harmful to children and communities and urges volunteers and organizations to rethink “voluntourism.”

This People & Power documentary from Al Jazeera investigates the orphanage tourism industry in Cambodia. 

On May 2, 2012, in preparation of the Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Conference for Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa in Dakar, Senegal, BCN and the regional planning committee convened experts and practitioners to present and discuss the efforts to implement the Guidelines for the Alternative Care in the region. Watch this video for presentations, country level experience from Togo, and discussions on the pressing issues facing implementation in the region.

This report is the result 4 of a two-year EU funded project “An Early Years Support Centre (EYSC) service in Dushanbe: Reducing poverty, empowering vulnerable families, strengthening partnerships and advocating for rights”. It outlines the model of support that was developed through the EYSC project in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.