This animated video, made for an Australian audience, illustrates the orphanage industry in Cambodia, particularly how Australian “voluntourists” unwittingly contribute to the exploitation and traumatization of children in orphanages.
Wendy McMahan, Director of Church Engagement for Food for the Hungry, shares a personal anecdote from her own family, illustrating the importance of family care.
This video from Al Jazeera English investigates the disappearance of 500 Albanian Roma children from a state-run residential institution in Athens, Greece over a decade ago.
Ese video explica el sistema de cuidado alternativo en Argentina, particularmente la utilización de “hogares convivenciales,” donde viven juntos muchos niños y niñas separados de sus familias y el trabajo de DONCEL a ayudar a esos niños y niñas.
La investigación es un trabajo en conjunto entre DONCEL, GUÍA EGRESO y
This video from discusses issues around orphanage volunteering and tourism. The video is accompanied by a number of prompts for further discussion.
This Public Service Announcement (PSA), produced by Disability Rights International, is part of the organization’s “Worldwide Campaign to End the Institutionalization of Children.”
Escape the Box is an initiative designed to help raise awareness and try to put a stop to the rapidly growing, money making businesses that many orphanages have become.
The Open Society produced a short film discussing the importance and benefits of early childhood intervention in enhancing development opportunities for children.
This 6-minute video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University explains the importance of human interaction with a caregiver to an infant’s brain development and the dangers of neglect to a child’s cognitive development, particularly the neglect that occurs in institutional settings.