In 2006, members of the Better Care Network formed the FBO outreach committee in order to promote better practice within the faith-based orphan care community. This committee formalized in 2008 and is now known as the Faith to Action Initiative.
The Faith to Action Initiative brings together Christian faith-based organizations, churches, and individuals seeking to respond to the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children in Sub-Saharan Africa. The core focus of the Initiative's work is to promote approaches to orphan care that uphold the value of family and community in the life of a child.
The Faith to Action Initiative began as the BCN Faith-Based Organization (FBO) Committee. The overarching aim of the BCN FBO Committee was to dialogue with churches, organizations, and leaders in the faith community for the purpose of promoting better practices in regards to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), including gathering information about orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) responses already underway, to encourage increased OVC support in general, and promote better care practices.
The BCN FBO Outreach Committee’s core group comprised of four members of the Better Care Network Advisory Group: Kerry Olson, Firelight Foundation; Diana Aubourg Millner, Save Africa’s Children; Mary Dallao, Family Health International; and Steve Haas, World Vision USA as well as Jon Singletary, professor of Social Work at Baylor University and John Derrick, Training Specialist with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Global Missions. John Williamson of the Displaced Children and Orphans Fund, Aaron Greenberg of the Better Care Network and UNICEF and Jennifer Delaney of Global Action for Children also participated in an advisory capacity.The Committee has since evolved into its own entity - the Faith to Action Initiative - and BCN Director Florence Martin is a member of its Leadership Council.
Recommended Resources:
A Continuum of Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Children, Orphanages, and Families: a Summary of Research to Help Guide Faith-based Action
Key Research on Orphanages and Family Care: An Annotated Bibliography
Community and Family Models of Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Africa
Where they operate
Organization Type
Main Areas of Work
What They Do
The Faith to Action Initiative serves as a resource for Christian groups, churches, and individuals seeking to respond to the needs of orphans and vulnerable children in Africa and around the world. They offer practical tools and resources, inspiring stories and examples, and up-to-date information on key strategies and research to help guide action. They seek to engage and equip churches and individuals through their website, publications, conference workshops and webinars.
Organization Resources
This six-part study series from the Faith to Action Initiative, Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: A Study Guide for Journeys of Faith, is designed to support small faith group study accompanying ‘Journeys of Faith: A Resource Guide for Orphan Care Ministries Helping Children in Africa & Beyond.’
Wendy McMahan, Director of Church Engagement for Food for the Hungry, shares a personal anecdote from her own family, illustrating the importance of family care.
This resource is provided as a working bibliography of key research and evidence-based policy papers on the care of orphans and other vulnerable children separated from parental care.
El presente resumen de investigaciones se ofrece a iglesias, organizaciones religiosas y personas de fe que buscan información basada en pruebas sobre la mejor manera de cuidar a huérfanos y niños separados del cuidado parental.
This Summary of Research provides a concise overview of a range of studies and findings that can inform approaches to caring for children who, through orphanhood, abandonment, or other causes, have been separated from parental care.
Ce résumé sur les recherches est offert aux églises, aux organisations confessionnelles et aux personnes de foi qui cherchent des informations factuelles sur les meilleures façons de venir en aide aux orphelins et aux enfants privés de la protecti
This resource is designed to be used as a guide for those in the Faith community working with orphaned children.
A tool to encourage donors to fund community programs that keep children in family care, rather than simply funding orphanages. Describes the many strategies being used to invest in community-based care, and contains specific program examples.
The Faith to Action Initiative began as the BCN Faith-Based Organization (FBO) Committee. The overarching aim of the BCN FBO Committee was to dialogue with churches, organizations, and leaders in the faith community for the purpose of promoting better practices in regards to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).