Case Management for Children Reintegrating into Family and Community-Based Care

Changing the Way We Care

A step-by-step process and approach that enables practitioners (sometimes called “case workers,” “case managers” or “social workers”) to work with families who need support.  It includes tools and processes for work with children and families, recognizing all of their strengths and risks. Case management is used with both families at risk of separation and those where children have already separated and are in the process of being reintegrated, including biological family or placed into an alternative family (e.g., foster or kinship). The end goal of case management is that children are safe and nurtured within a family that is able to care for them, and access needed services that address risks and increase resilience.   

(Definition adapted from conversations with practitioners in Kenya, Guatemala and Moldova)

Video file


Case management for reintegration

Essential reading 

  1. Case management for reunification and reintegration. This short resource can be used and adapted to different contexts: Case worker’s handbook: Case management for reintegration of children into family- or community-based care 

  1. Case management for reunification and reintegration. This detailed resource can be used and adapted to different contexts: Case Management Procedures for Reunification and Reintegration of Children and Adolescents into Family and Community-based Care (en espanol

  1. Case management for reunification and reintegration of children with disabilities: Reunification and Reintegration of Children with Disabilities into Family Care: Guidance for Residential Care Facilities & Case Management Teams 

  1. Case management best practices: Analysis of National and International Best Practices in Case Management (in limba romana

  1. Case management practical guidance for frontline workers: Promoting Resilience-Informed Care 

  1. Learning brief on family and workforce strengthening and case management: The Importance of Integrating Family Strengthening, Reunification, Case Management and Workforce Strengthening 

Country-specific essential reading 




