
Displaying 2021 - 2030 of 14429

All-Party Parliamentary Group for Looked After Children and Care Leavers,

This APPG report puts a spotlight on what ‘community’ means to care-experienced people and explores what might be done to help strengthen important community relationships and connections for current and future generations of children in care. The report contains 15 practical recommendations for changes that could be made in the near future to improve the ways in which the care system supports young people to connect with their communities and highlights 5 broader areas where the authors feel serious reform is required that the Department for Education (and others) should consider in greater detail.

Home and Homes for Children,

Hope and Homes for Children – Ukraine is seeking a driven fundraiser to join our team and be part of change which enable all children to grow in loving and securing family environment.

Al Jazeera,

Leaders of self-proclaimed breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine announce plan to evacuate hundreds of thousands of residents to Russia.

Christina M. Theodorou, Erin G. Brown, Jordan E. Jackson, Alana L. Beres,

The COVID-19 pandemic had widespread effects, including enhanced psychosocial stressors and stay-at-home orders which may be associated with higher rates of child abuse. The researchers aimed to evaluate rates of child abuse, neglect, and inadequate supervision during the COVID-19 pandemic.

India Pollock - BBC Wales,

James and his wife said there was "no question" of their granddaughter moving in with them after the five-year-old's mum attempted to take her own life.

James is one of up to 300,000 people in the UK who cares for a young relative.

But people in Wales who look after a family member feel they are providing "care on the cheap" as the majority are paid less than unrelated foster carers.

SOS Children's Villages,

Young people who grew up in alternative care are uniting to support one another and push for changes that can help in their transition to an independent life.

Government of Norway, Government of Ghana, International Disability Alliance (IDA),

The goal of the summit was to lead lasting change in the lives of millions of people with disabilities. To succeed, it is crucial that governments, international organizations, civil society and private business commit themselves to increased efforts to promote inclusion and rights-based development.

2022 Global Disability Summit,

This side event to the 2022 Global Disability Summit, organized by major global disability right groups gathered around the Global Coalition on Deinstitutionalization, aims to overcome such gap and bring attention to the important UN process of development of the Guildelines on Deinstitutionalization.

International Federation of Social Workers,

This online event is a side panel event of the 60th Session of UN Commission for Social Development.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights,

The report shows that, overall, although legislative changes have taken place in many Member States, national guardianship systems continue to face many challenges. The guardianship systems also still vary greatly across the EU.