
Displaying 6951 - 6960 of 14477

Christine Maltais, Chantal Cyr, Geneviève Parent, Katherine Pascuzzo - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The aim of this meta-analysis is to identify the most effective interventions to promote parental engagement and family reunification in high-income countries.

Steve Lopez - Los Angeles Times,

This article from the Los Angeles Times tells the story of Linda Huff, a grandmother of four trying to get take on the care of her four grandchildren who are currently in foster care.

Lucy Adams - BBC News,

"Parents and academics have called for greater support for families to try to reduce the number of children in care" in Scotland, says this article from BBC News.

UN News,

The Un General Assembly has endorsed the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, according to this press release.

Hannah Long-Higgins - BBC News,

This video shares the stories of two "grandfamilies" in the US and a new affordable housing program in Washington, DC designed to house grandparents raising their grandchildren.

Kwabena Frimpong‐Manso & Abraham Gyimah Bugyei - Children & Society,

This qualitative case study explores the challenges facing children reunified with their families from an orphanage in Ghana.

United Nations,

The UN General Assembly has endorsed the the Global Compact on Refugees, "an historic agreement aiming to forge a stronger and fairer response to refugee movements."

The Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice and Research,

The 'One Child, Many Hands: A Multidisciplinary Conference on Child Welfare' is issuing a Call for Presentations.

Mónica Ruiz-Casares, Carl Lacharité, & Florence Martin,

We invite you to participate in our call for manuscripts for a 2019 special issue of the Child Indicators Research journal on child neglect.

Jayni Gudka - LinkedIn,

In this LinkedIn post, Jayni Gudka of Ground Asia writes about why the organization does not offer orphanage trips on any of its educational travel programs, outlining 8 reasons for this decision.