
Displaying 7161 - 7170 of 14477

Chelsie Yount-André - International African Institute,

Scholarship on transnational families has regularly examined remittances that adults abroad send to children in their country of origin. This article illuminates another permutation of these processes: family members in Senegal who establish relations with and through children in France through gifts and money.

Harold Goodwin - WTM Responsible Travel Blog,

The World Travel Market has awarded its World Responsible Tourism Awards, including a silver award for 'Best for Communicating Responsible Tourism' to ReThink Orphanages Australia. 

Better Care Network Netherlands,

On 7 November the leading liberal party in the Netherlands, the VVD (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie), released a white paper proposal (‘initiatiefnota’) on measures to combat orphanage tourism.

Lisa Visentin - Sydney Morning Herald,

More than 30 Aboriginal groups and community legal centres have co-signed an open letter censuring proposed adoption laws in Australia and calling on the government to reconsider, according to this article from the Sydney Morning Herald.

UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia,

The UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia is seeking a qualified consultant to develop a relevant region-specific training package intended for all Country Office child protection staff.

Michelle R. Brear, Pinky N. Shabangu, Karin Hammarberg, Jane Fisher and Helen Keleher - Primary Health Care Research & Development,

The aim of this study from Primary Health Care Research & Development was to examine the effects and gender dimensions of providing voluntary, community-based, care-related labour for children affected by AIDS.

Saijun Zhang, Hui Huang, Qi Wu, Yong Li, Meirong Liu - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This meta-analysis synthesized findings from existing evaluations to examine whether and to what extent Family Treatment Drug Courts (FTDCs) participants achieved better reunification and safety outcomes than non-participants.

Alison Holt - BBC News,

The UK has seen a "considerable increase" in the demand for child protection services, according to this article and video from BBC News.

Mateja Krčar & Maja Laklija - Criminology & Social Integration,

The aim of this research was to gain an insight into experiences of Roma foster parents with providing foster care in Roma settlements in Croatia.

McIver, Leanne and Welch, Vicki - CELCIS,

This report is the evaluation of the pilot partnership agreement between Police Scotland and local authorities, for responses to children and young people missing from foster and residential care.