
Displaying 7711 - 7720 of 14477

Whitney Moret and Mike Ferguson - USAID, FHI 360, and ASPIRES,

This evaluation examined the designs and implementation processes of the cash transfer components of ChildFund’s Economic Strengthening to Keep and Reintegrate Children in Family Care (ESFAM) and AVSI Foundation’s Family Resilience (FARE) projects in Uganda and identified practical lessons for implementers.

Whitney Moret and Mike Ferguson - USAID, FHI 360, and ASPIRES,

This evaluation examined the designs and implementation processes of the saving group components of ChildFund’s Economic Strengthening to Keep and Reintegrate Children in Family Care (ESFAM) and AVSI Foundation’s Family Resilience (FARE) projects in Uganda and identified practical lessons for implementers.

Dr Kerry Audin, Dr Jolanta Burke, Dr Itai Ivtzan - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

This quantitative study investigated the relationship between compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and work engagement in staff working in independent residential childcare organisations in England, Scotland and Wales.

Djala Kalinin, Dr John Gilroy, Aunty Sue Pinckham - Macquarie University and The University of Sydney,

The purpose of this study is to support the funding of Aboriginal-controlled research on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children under government-administered foster care arrangements.

Jessica Dym Bartlett, Lina Guzman, and Maria A. Ramos-Olazagasti - Child Trends,

This research-to-practice brief highlights findings from Child Trends’ study of first-time parents of young children (under age 3) and their knowledge about parenting and child development.

Elaine Weisman & Fecility Sackville Northcott - International Social Service-USA & the Center on Immigration and Child Welfare,

This practice brief provides recommendations about best practices for ensuring that children and/or their caregivers facing deportation are provided with necessary pre-departure and reintegration services to support safe and sustainable return.

Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology,

This report describes Canada's history of forcibly removing children from mothers, particularly unwed mothers, and placing them in adoptive families. It compares this history to the similar Australian context and offers recommendations for offering healing to mothers and children who were harmed by this practice.

Amy Dworsky and Denali Dasgupta - Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago,

This brief begins to address knowledge gaps of best practices for housing young adults in extended care, the housing options currently available to those young adults, and how those options vary across and within states in the US.

Department for Education,

This paper sets out the government’s response to two reports into foster care: The Education Select Committee Inquiry into Fostering and the Foster Care in England report, an independent review commissioned by the Department for Education. The response describes the government’s vision for foster care and improvements for the system, based on the recommendations of the two reports.

Nathanael J. Okpych, Keunhye Park, Huiling Feng, Adrianna Torres García, and Mark E. Courtney - Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago,

This memo investigates two questions that pertain to extended foster care and social support. First, are there differences in the types and sources of social support between young people who remain in care past age 18 and young people who exit care? Second, among nonminor dependents, are there differences in the types and sources of social support between youth living in different placement types?