
Displaying 7811 - 7820 of 14477

CBS News,

U.S. Catholic bishops delivered a statement at a recent assembly condemning the US policy of separating children from their parents who are entering the country at the US border with Mexico, according to this article from CBS News.

Claire Caruana - Times of Malta,

The government of Malta has unveiled its final draft of the new Children’s Protection Act, according to this article from the Times of Malta.


In this webinar, a panel of experts will discuss how their formal interagency agreements were developed and what they contain.

Disability Rights International,

This Side Event at the UN Conference of States Parties will feature a panel that will discuss strategies to end violence against children in institutions by enforcing their right to grow up in a family.

PROMISE Webinar Series – From 0 to Barnahus,

This webinar will look at the range of legal realities enabling the setup and success of the Barnahus in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

Elayn M. Sammon and Gwen Burchell - World Learning, Partnerships for Every Child, USAID,

Family Care for Children with Disabilities: Practical Guidance for Frontline Workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries was developed to help front-line personnel (social service workers and others) in low- and middle-income countries to work effectively with children with disabilities and their families.

Derrace Garfield McCallum - Migration Studies,

This study explores the experiences of Jamaican transnational mothers in New York City and documents their stories in light of current research which investigates how transnational motherhood transgresses gender stereotypes and pushes the boundaries of gender roles and expectations.

Stephanie Hunter - Austerity Policies,

This chapter will critically examine the difficulties faced by young people who are looked after by local authorities in accessing mental health services and argue, based on findings of recent Serious Case Reviews that there has never been a more dangerous time to be a looked-after child.

Hanson, Lucy and Henderson, Gillian and Kurlus, Indiya - Child and Family Social Work,

This paper outlines key findings from the first comprehensive study of permanence planning in Scotland.

Sanchia Berg - BBC News,

Speaking at the launch of the care crisis review, a large-scale sector-led inquiry into the UK's care system, senior judge Sir Andrew McFarlane remarked that "it is easier to obtain a care order to take a child away from their family, than for the family to get support," according to this article from BBC News.