
Displaying 8341 - 8350 of 14477

Eavan Brady Robbie Gilligan - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper advocates for use of the life course perspective as a guiding research paradigm when investigating the educational experiences of adult care leavers.

Anthony Faiola - Washington Post,

This article from the Washington Post describes how Venezuela's economic crisis has become so severe that it has left many parents unable to provide care to their children, leading them to relinquish those children to the care of orphanages throughout the country.

The Hindu,

Police in Kochi, India have launched an investigation into alleged abuse at an orphanage in Ponnurunni after residents staged a protest outside the institution, according to this article from the Hindu.

Save the Children,

The consultancy will support the Department of Social Welfare through the Alternative Care Technical Working Group to document and compile information for the development of a draft strategy with implementation plan for the National Child Care Reform based on the current  legal frameworks, Government’s vision for Child Care Reform, and on-going efforts (by Civil Society Partners and Cooperation Partners) to strengthen Child Care systems, including Alternative Care and Reintegration for children into family-based care in Zambia.

Kwabena Frimpong-Manso - Children and Youth Services Review,

Through this study, data were collected through interviews with 23 care leavers in Ghana to examine their challenges and the factors that influence their coping mechanisms.

Nicholas Jones - NZ Herald,

A New Zealand-based "voluntourism" company has announced it will be removing orphanage volunteer trips from its offerings, according to this article from the New Zealand Herald. 

Elysia V. Clemens, Kristin Klopfenstein, Trent L. Lalonde, Matt Tis - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examined the effects of placement and school stability on students' academic growth before, during, and after out-of-home placements.

Kabo Diraditsile, Mbongeni Nyadza - Child & Family Social Work,

This study sought to investigate the lived experiences of care leavers from institutional care facility in Botswana.

Alison Teyhan, Dinithi Wijedasa, John Macleod - BMJ Open,

The objective of this study was to investigate whether men and women who were looked-after (in public care) or adopted as children are at increased risk of adverse psychological and social outcomes in adulthood.

Amy M. Salazar, Kevin R. Jones, Jamie Amemiya, Adrian Cherry, Eric C. Brown, Richard F. Catalano, Kathryn C. Monahan - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study addresses three key research questions: (1) How do older youth in foster care define their personal permanency goals? (2) How much progress have these youth made in achieving their personal permanency goals and other aspects of relational permanency, and how does this vary by gender, race, and age? and (3) What transition-related outcomes are associated with relational permanency achievement?