
Displaying 101 - 110 of 14424

The Children's Institute, University of Cape Town,

The Children’s Institute (CI) is a multidisciplinary research unit located in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town.,

The Criminal Code is being amended to include a new clause - Article 126-1, which introduces liability for family (domestic) violence against children.

Susanti Sarkar - The Imprint,

Weeks after New York City advocates for homeless LGBTQ+ youth released a white paper detailing discrimination in the foster care system, its members are now hailing renewed commitment by city leaders to provide more welcoming homes and an end to hostile treatment.

United Nations,

The Human Rights Council this morning held an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, and concluded an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

Karla Jones, Brooklyn Roberts - American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC),

Gillian Huebner, Executive Director of the Collaborative on Global Children's Issues at Georgetown University, spoke with Karla Jones & Brooklyn Roberts about the children who have been kidnapped and disappeared during Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Aimie Ding - Associated Press,

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A federal judge on Friday approved the Biden administration’s request to partially end a nearly three-decade-old agreement to provide court oversight of how the government cares for migrant children in its custody.

CPC Learning Network,

This CPC Learning Network hosted a conversation with partners and faculty affiliates on "Rethinking Child & Youth Participatory Methodologies & Processes: Presentations from our Partner Research Centers in Uganda, Indonesia, and Colombia".

CPC Learning Network, ChildFund Alliance, the Program on Forced Migration and Health at Columbia University, the Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict,

This webinar was a panel conversation hosted by the CPC Learning Network, ChildFund Alliance, the Program on Forced Migration and Health at Columbia University, and the Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict that brought together a panel of experts to discuss the root causes leading to recruitment and involvement in activities of armed groups as well as the current context in countries such as Sudan, Colombia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and more.

Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn,

This article reviews a study conducted about child development in residential care, foster/kafalah care, and adoptive families. The authors of the study demonstrated that institutions cannot provide safe, stable, and shared care for children, and lead to substantial delays in their development, not only for physical health but also for mental health and neurocognitive growth.