
Displaying 13831 - 13840 of 14518

Andrew Dunn and John Parry-Williams - UNICEF,

Detailed guidelines for the establishment of the Child Protection Service (CPS), designed to address the lack of regulations concerning standards in children’s institutions and the lack of departmental policy and procedures for assessing and assisting abused and at-risk children. Includes comprehensive set of CPS forms in 14 annexes.

Save the Children UK South Africa Programme,

Reviews legal and policy frameworks for the protection of OVC rights in 10 Southern African countries. Includes key concerns and recommendations. Appendix includes country-specific details of National Policies on Orphans and Vulnerable Children and National Plans of Action.

Katie Schenk, Tapfuma Murove, and Jan Williamson,

Explores the ways in which data collection activities affect children’s rights and suggests methods by which rights-based principles may be used to derive appropriate safeguards to prevent unintentional harm and abuse.

Laelia Gilborn, Lou Apicella, Jonathan Brakarsh, Linda Dube, Kyle Jemison, Mark Kluckow, Tricia Smith, and Leslie Snider,

Investigates psychosocial well-being and psychosocial support services for youth affected by HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. Includes summary of key findings and implications for programming and research.

Annemiek van Voorst,

Detailed examination of debate over institutional and alternative care methods for children without parental care. Includes comprehensive framework for collective action.

Rebecca T. Davis,

Examines the transition from residential care to family-based, community care models in five European / Eurasian countries.

Florence Martin and Tata Sudrajat,

Examines institutional and family care in post-Tsunami Indonesia. Includes situational analysis, key issues, and recommendations.


An extensive annotated bibliography of resources on child participation.

Alicia Davis and Donald Skinner (eds.),

Identifies strengths and weaknesses of services offered to OVC in South Africa. A detailed list of recommendations suggests improvements to services.

International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN),

Practical information and tools for dealing with child abuse in the home environment. Includes relevant policy recommendations, study questionnaires, and measurement tools.