
Displaying 10581 - 10590 of 14477

ECPAT International & Interagency Working Group,

These Terminology Guidelines were developed by an Interagency Working Group to "offer guidance on how to navigate the complex lexicon of terms commonly used relating to sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children."


This report from UNICEF highlights the many dangers, risks, and challenges faced by unaccompanied refugee and migrant children travelling to Europe on their own to escape conflict, poverty, or other forms of oppression.

Carol Irizarry, Keith Miller & Margaret Bowden - The Journal of Family Social Work,

This research aimed to gain a better understanding of kinship care, its practice issues, and its role in the South Australian alternative care system. 

Ellen Block - AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV,

This paper examines the emergence of a small but growing number of male caregivers who are responding to the needs of the extended family. 

Tracey Bullen Research Fellow, Stephanie Taplin, Morag McArthur, Cathy Humphreys and Margaret Kertesz - Child & Family Social Work,

The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the evidence for interventions aimed at improving the quality of contact visits between parents and their children who are in out-of-home care.

Doreen Andoh - Graphic Online,

Ghana is working toward reforming and strengthening the foster care and adoption procedures and, to that end, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) convened a group of stakeholders at a meeting in Accra to gather their input.

Tarja Pösö, Elina Pekkarinen, Susanna Helavirta, Riitta Laakso - Journal of Social Work,

This article examines how the voluntary care order differs in practice from the involuntary one and how voluntarism and involuntarism are represented in these two types of care order.

Government of Burundi,

Cet article donne un bref aperçu de la question des mendiants et des enfants de la rue dans la ville de Bujumbura, au Burundi.

Human Rights Watch,

This report from Human Rights Watch focuses on the institutionalization of children with disabilities in Serbia.

Associated Press - Capital Journal,

A new US federal rule, to be enacted this December, will require judges presiding over foster and adoption proceedings in every state in the country to ask about the child’s status as a tribal member, according the article.