
Displaying 10731 - 10740 of 14477

Zambia Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare,

This presentation from Zambia's Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare, given at the Zambia National Consultation to Accelerate Care Reform, provides an overview of alternative care in Zambia, the CIF Initiative, prevention and response services, progress, strengths, opportunities, and challenges.

Florence Martin, Better Care Network,

Florence Martin, Director of Better Care Network presented at the National Consultation to Accelerate Care Reform in Zambia on the work that BCN does globally, provided a summary of cross country and regional learning on on child care reform, and some of the necessary steps and considerations for care reform. A second presentation follows, highlighting the findings from an analysis of children's care and living arrangements based on data from the Zambia DHS 2013-2014.

Government of Zambia, Better Care Network, and others,

The Government of Zambia, along with many other partners including Better Care Network, convened a National Consultation to Accelerate Care Reform in Zambia from 4-6 May, 2016. This resource includes the presentations and final Call to Action from the consultation.

Center on the Developing Child - Harvard University,

This report from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University provides an overview of the science of early childhood development, particularly brain development and the impacts that early experiences have on brain development.

Christian Alliance for Orphans,

The 2016 2016 OVC Applied Research & Best Practice Symposium will take place May 4, 2016 in Orlando, FL, USA. The 2016 Symposium will focus on the integration of trauma-informed practices into all aspects of care for OVC.  It is designed to help frontline OVC practitioners integrate their program design and implementation with current research and the best knowledge available today. 

John Davison - Reuters Investigates,

This article from Reuters discusses the complicated issue of birth registration for Syrian refugee children and shines light on the growing number of “stateless” children as the Syrian refugee crisis escalates. 

Annie Wendel - American Gap Association,

This post is part of Better Volunteering Better Care’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. The post explains why orphan-based tourism is damaging and offers some best practices in how to engage responsibly in international volunteering.

Save the Children,

Save the Children is recruiting a Senior Technical Advisor in Alternative Care (STA) to provide oversight of and ensure implementation of the Alternative Care Component of the Zambia Rising project. 

National Council of Persons with Disabilities, National Commission for Children, UNICEF,

The purpose of this assessment was to review service delivery in centres for children with disabilities in Rwanda. This report establishes relevant baseline information on institutional capacity including services offered, staffing levels and other parameters regarding care of children with disabilities.

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Protection of Uganda,

The aim of this Handbook is to help to standardize practice in child protection case management in Uganda.