
Displaying 10791 - 10800 of 14476

Ignatius Ssuuna - All Africa,

This article describes how Rwanda successfully reintegrated the children living in orphanages into family care.

Parenting in Africa Network (PAN),

Parenting in Africa Network (PAN) is seeking the services of a documentarist. 

Beth L. Rubenstein, Lindsay Stark - Global Social Welfare,

This manuscript reviews the issues facing children outside of households and argues for the importance of gathering robust data about this population to formulate responsive policies and services, mobilize resources, and foster accountability.

Tim Whewell -BBC News,

The recent removal of five children from their parents’ home in Norway has called into question child protective services in the country. 

Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network,

Save the Date for a webinar on how everyday stress influences cognitive and emotional demands related to parenting for first-time mothers. The webinar will be presented by Pilyoung Kim from the University of Denver and will take place on Apri

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

BBC News,

This video tells the story of a boy in China who lives in the countryside with his grandmother while his parents are working in a factory in another city.

Channel News Asia,

Singapore’s Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) will be launching a new pilot project by December which aims to enhance parenting skills and overall functioning in vulnerable families, according to the article.

Amanda Figueras - The Islamic Monthly,

Aysha Albusmait, a single woman in her 50s living in Dubai, adopted a young girl named Reem when Reem was 3 years old. Her actions, say the article, are helping to break down taboos around adoption in the Gulf region.

The Times of India,

A Centre of Excellence in Alternative Care has just been launched in New Delhi, India, according to the article.