
Displaying 11091 - 11100 of 14471

Prem Kumar SG, Anil Kumar G, Ramgopal SP, Venkata Srinivas V and Rakhi Dandona – BMC Psychiatry,

This study compared the generalized anxiety, conduct and peer relationship problems and their associated risk factors among children orphaned by HIV/ AIDS and those due to other reasons in the Indian city of Hyderabad.

Patricia Murrieta Cummings - Asian Journal of Latin American Studies (2016) Vol. 29 No. 3: 29-54,

The researcher in this study investigates the “relationship between child labor and the opportunity cost of schooling, taking into account other factors that influence parents’ decisions about child labor and schooling.”

M. Lotko, L. Leikuma and M. Gopalswamy Battle -- 5th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference Society, Health, Welfare,

This study notes that there are currently 700 million people below the poverty line. According to this study, around 40 percent are considered vulnerable children.  It further states that according to UNICEF India has approximately 11 million children living on the streets.  It is one of the highest concentration of the street children in the world.  To investigate the status of street children, this study investigated outreach work in Latvia, Czech Republic and India.

Katie Januario, John Hembling, Ashley Rytter Kline and Jini Roby - Catholic Relief Services,

This is a study from Catholic Relief Services that investigates the factors related to children’s placement in Catholic-affiliated residential care facilities in Zambia.  According to this study, the government estimates that there are approximately 190 residential-care facilities located in Zambia, and of those 40 are Catholic-affiliated.  At the time of this study, there were 1674 residents living in residential care.

This study reported that unaccompanied refugee children face greater challenges compared to their accompanied refugee counterparts. 

Daniela DeBono, Marian Muscat Azzopardi - Commissioner for Children, Malta,

This is an article discussing a research study performed to determine the best forms of out of home care for children.

Anita Schrader-McMillan; Elsa Herrera - Journal of Children's Services; Vol. 11 Iss: 3,

This is a 15 month qualitative study involving semi-structured interviews with families and boys at three stages: preparing for return, in the first three months of reintegration and successfully reintegrated.

Philip Mendes, Bernadette Saunders, Susan Baidawi - International Indigenous Policy Journal,

This article investigates the current leaving care and post-care supports that are available to Indigenous care leavers in Australia.  

Alexander V. Makhnach - The Routledge International Handbook of Psychosocial Resilience,

This article studies different medical and psychological models of orphanhood and the effects these models have on the resiliency of orphanhood.

Ncumisa Willie & Popo Mfubu - AFRICAN HUMAN MOBILITY REVIEW, Vol.2 No1, Jan-April 2016,

This paper highlights the difficulties faced by foreign minors and how the gaps in law leave them undocumented, vulnerable and unable to access social services. This paper also discusses how South Africa’s approach to accompanied and unaccompanied foreign minor children provides no durable long term solutions for these children, effectively leaving them in a legal hole once they reach the age of majority.