
Displaying 11611 - 11620 of 14440

USAID (DCOF), CPC Network, Women’s Refugee Commission and FHI360,


Amanda Fisher - AlJazeera ,

This article from AlJazeera tells the story of Aysha Albusmait, a single woman in Dubai who adopted a young girl.

Express News Service - The New Indian Express ,

The Indian government has launched Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the reunification and rehabilitation of children separated from their families at 20 big railway stations in the country, according to the article.

Evie Andreou - Cyprus Mail ,

According to the article, Children’s Rights Commissioner Leda Koursoumba argues that private adoption arrangements should be abolished and removed from a forthcoming adoption bill proposed by the Labour ministry of Cyprus.

Fiona R. Parrott, Douglas l. Macinnes and Janet Parrott - Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Vol. 25, No. 1 ,

This qualitative study sought to understand the experiences of parents in England who are separated from their children due to their placement in a secure psychiatric center. The study included participants whose children had been placed into foster or kinship care or family adoption.

Juan Mendez, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ,

This Report by Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Juan E. Méndez, to the UN Human Rights Council focuses on children deprived of their liberty from the perspective of the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It addresses the situation of children in institutions, and in particular their torture and ill-treament. 

April M. Moyer and Abbie E. Goldberg,

This study carried out in the United States used a lens of family stress theory to explore adoptive parents’ responses to unexpected characteristics of their children. 

BBC News ,

This photo series, courtesy of Save the Children, depicts the experiences of unaccompanied young people who travel from North Africa across the Mediterranean in hopes of reaching greater safety in Europe.

Bihar Prabha,

This articles shares the stories of two adoptees in the US from South Korea who are part of a group called Adoptee Solidarity of Korea, which campaigns for an end to international adoption.

Michaeleen Doucleff, NPR ,

This article describes the impact that the Ebola epidemic has had in West Africa, particularly for children who have lost one or both parents to the virus, and the work of organizations like Plan International to address this impact.