
Displaying 12761 - 12770 of 14435

Pradhan PM, Bhatta G, Bam K ,

This research study aimed to identify and assess the cost effectiveness for existing models of care for children affected by HIV and AIDS in Nepal. The study performed a cost effective analysis for three types of care models in order to provide program managers and childcare professionals comparative economic evidence of the cost of caring for these children.

Karen Smith Rotabi ,

This research paper provides a brief overview of the Vietnam Babylift and of a more recent child abduction attempt in Chad. Then, turning to the history of child abduction and adoption history in Latin America, the paper presents the conflicts of El Salvador and Argentina and discusses ‘living disappeared’ children – those who disappear into adoption networks during war. The research explores the post-conflict social realities in both nations. The role of the social worker and specific practices are identified and discussed in context of generalist social work practice.


The document highlights the recent child care reform in Georgia under the partnership of the Ministry of Labor, Health, and Social Affairs of Georgia and UNICEF and provides an update on progress of ending the use of large institutions care for children.


This report gives an overview of the documentary reality TV series, “Life as it is-foster families,” which UNICEF in Bulgaria launched in 2010 as a part of its agenda to stop children under 3 years of age from being placed in institutions and to close the infant homes for institutional care.


This summary report describes the project UNICEF has undertaken with the government of Bulgaria to establish a nationwide regional approach to foster care development based on its pilot experience. The project included a national public awareness campaign, establishment of specialized foster care services, and capacity building of the statutory child protection bodies.

Working Group on children without parental care – subgroup of NGO group for the CRC,

This briefing note, produced by an Interagency Working Group on children without parental care, is designed to highlight the vulnerability of children to violence in the family and alternative care settings, and to encourage members of the CAT Committee to consider the potential added value of reference to the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.

Department for Education, UK,

The Training, Support and Development (TSD) standards form part of a foster carer's induction into the role. They provide a national minimum benchmark that sets out what foster carers should know, understand and be able to do within the first 12-18 months after being approved.


In this TED video, Georgette Mulheir, CEO of Lumos, an NGO dedicated to ending worldwide systematic institutionalization, describes how orphanages can cause irreparable damage to children both mentally and physically and urges to end reliance on them by finding alternate ways of supporting children in need.

Child Protection Working Group,

This is a short animation movie produced by the Child Protection Working Group for the launch of the "Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action". It tells the story of Samira, who became separated from her family during an emergency and found child protection workers who were able to locate her family and reunify them.

Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal ,

This paper provides insight into child protection in the context of coordinated action, the architecture of U.S. government assistance, the state of evidence-base, development of appropriate research framework, practice and policy, ethical considerations, and capacity development and knowledge transfer for those advocating for children outside of family care. Recommendations are made to consider how current operational contexts, collaborative relationships and learning-knowledge can be united to focus on the various categories of children outside of family care.