
Displaying 13131 - 13140 of 14435

EveryChild ,

This report examines the impacts of HIV on the care choices of children, exploring how HIV affects whether or not children can remain within parental care, and on the alternative care options open to them.

Ian Birrell - The Guardian,

"In Cambodia, as in other parts of the globe, orphanages are a booming business trading on guilt," writes Ian Birrell in this article for the Guardian that discusses the harms of orphanage tourism.

World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe,

The purpose of this paper is to provide background information and offer pragmatic steps in relation to priority no. 3 of the European Declaration on the Health of Children and Young People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families: “To transfer care from institutions to the community”. The paper was produced in preparation for the conference in Bucharest, Romania 26-27 November, 2010.


Wellspring Advisors seeks a Program Director to oversee all aspects of research, portfolio development and management related to grantmaking programs under the newly envisioned International Children’s Rights program.

Southern African Development Community (SADC),

This Situation Analysis Report is one of a series of three documents: (1) Report on the Situation of Orphans and Vulnerable and Children and Youth in the SADC Region; (2) Conceptual Framework for Psychosocial Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children and Youth in the SADC Region; and (3) Minimum Package of Services for Orphans and Vulnerable Children and Youth in the SADC Region. The Situation Analysis Report has informed the development of the PSS Framework and the Minimum Package of Services.

Child Rights Connect,

This examination of Burundi’s Second Periodic Report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child includes a section on Alternative Care and Family Environment that details Burundi’s progress and challenges in areas such as regulation of adoption a

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence/ NICE public health guidance 28 ,

The aim of this guidance is to improve quality of life of looked-after children and young people in England, including their physical health, and social, educational and emotional wellbeing. It focuses on and encourages organisations, professionals and carers to work together to deliver high quality care, stable placements and nurturing relationships for looked-after children and young people.

Terre des Hommes ,

Des milliers d’enfants vivent dans des centres résidentiels (orphelinats et crèches) en Haïti. a plupart d’entre eux ne sont pas orphelins mais ont été placés dans ces centres car leurs familles vivent en grandes difficultés matérielles, sociales ou économiques ou sont installées dans des localités où le manque d’accès aux services de base (santé et éducation) est un vrai défi. Leur protection est un réel enjeu pour les organismes de protection de l’enfance. 

Linda M. Richter and Amy Norman - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies: An International Interdisciplinary Journal for Research, Policy and Care,

This article reviews the current discourse on what is being called a crisis of care for children, as well as literature on out-of-home/family care and its adverse impacts on child development. The article also describes an emerging “AIDS orphan tourism” and highlights its negative impacts.

Monica Francis-Chizororo - Journal of Southern African Studies,

Drawing on ethnographic research with five child heads and their siblings in Zimbabwe, this article explores how orphaned children living in ‘child only’ households organise themselves in terms of household domestic and paid work roles, explores the socialisation of children by children and the negotiation of teenage girls' movement.