
Displaying 2801 - 2810 of 14432

Ashley Louszko, Ignacio Torres, and Ashley Riegle - ABC News,

"A so far unknown number of children have been orphaned since the virus began killing their parents -- and so many others -- last year," says this article from ABC News. "Often, the responsibility to keep the family together has been placed on the eldest siblings."

Jeffrey Waid, Brianne H. Kothari, Jessica A. Dahlgren, Bowen McBeath, Lew Bank - Child & Family Social Work,

The current study aimed to identify the critical components of an efficacious dyadic relationship enhancement intervention for siblings in foster care through a secondary analysis of fidelity of implementation and trial outcome data.

Molly Cannon, Stuardo Herrera, and Ismael Ddumba-Nyanzi - The Palladium Group,

In this article, members of the Data for Impact team reflect on how data and a case management information system can help caseworkers and others to better support children without parental care. 

Jeffrey Waid, Brianne H. Kothari, Jessica A. Dahlgren, Bowen McBeath, Lew Bank - Child & Family Social Work,

The current study aimed to identify the critical components of an efficacious dyadic relationship enhancement intervention for siblings in foster care through a secondary analysis of fidelity of implementation and trial outcome data.

Lory Zephyr, Chantal Cyr, Sébastien Monette, Maude Archambault, Stine Lehmann & Helen Minnis - Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology,

This meta-analysis aims to clarify the size of the associations between disinhibited social engagement behavior (DSEB) and attachment insecurity or disorganization.

Kenneth Burns, Conor O’Mahony, Rebekah Brennan - The British Journal of Social Work,

This article explores evidence which shows that the use of ‘private family arrangements’ is motivated partly by a concern for subsidiarity, and partly by necessity: they provide a source of placements in cases where regulatory requirements and a lack of resources would otherwise make the placement challenging or impossible.

Silvia Foster-Frau - The Washington Post,

A migrant detention facility in the U.S. is being reactivated to hold up to 700 children ages 13 to 17, according to this article from the Washington Post.

Rupsa Chakraborty - The Hindustan Times,

"The outbreak of the pandemic in March had brought the adoption process to a standstill for several reasons – lack of information, closure of courts and fear of contracting the infection," says this article from the Hindustan Times.

Mark Chapple- The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE),

In this paper, the the Alliance and INEE set out the evidence supporting collaboration and integration between the sectors, providing a rationale for cross-sector work grounded in child well-being and holistic development.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This report highlights the actions points for all sectors to apply during future waves of COVID-19 and infectious disease outbreaks that emerged from Day 3 of the 2020 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.