
Displaying 5161 - 5170 of 14440

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,

This briefing note provides background knowledge on the MHPSS aspects related to nCoV and suggests MHPSS activities that can be implemented.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE),

The resources on this webpage have been collected to support the provision of education in places affected by COVID-19.

International Organization for Migration,

This webpage from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) website features resources on COVID-19 and migration, including IOM's COVID-19 Global Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SRP).

World Vision,

This one-page document from World Vision outlines how cash and voucher programming (CVP) can be used to support vulnerable families in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hong Kong Red Cross,

This document features mental health and psychosocial support messages developed by Hong Kong Red Cross for families, friends, colleagues of those in quarantine or self-isolation.


On this webpage, UNICEF answers some common questions that parents may have about the novel coronavirus, including how to talk about the coronavirus with children.

World Health Organization,

This webpage of the World Health Organization (WHO) website provides information about the coronavirus pandemic, including basic protective measures, and a number of simple infographics available for download.

Save the Children,

On this webpage, Save the Children shares drama-based relaxation exercises that are part of their global Healing and Education through the Arts (HEART) program for children living in stressful situations.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control,

These additional considerations are intended to provide guidance for a range of child care programs that remain open, and should be used in conjunction with CDC’s guidance for administrators of child care programs and K-12 schools.

Save the Children US,

This resource from Save the Children US features tools and tips for parents, caregivers, teachers and all those who care about children in crisis.