
Displaying 6791 - 6800 of 14477

Roberta Lo Bianco, Georgia Chondrou - Unaccompanied Children: From immigration to integration,

This chapter describes and proposes a new social inclusion model for supporting unaccompanied minors in becoming autonomous, as they are one of the most vulnerable groups of contemporary migration flows.


This report from Lumos sets out the evidence about the harm that institutions can cause and presents the case for prioritising family and community-based alternatives to institutional care.

Cvetelina Berberova-Valcheva - Trends in Regional Development and Security Management,

The aim of the study is to highlight the basic social services provided to children and their families as well as the main reasons for abandonment of children and to propose measures to improve social services for children to ensure social security in the regions.

Joanna Woolman - Mitchell Hamline Law Review,

This article tracks the history of foster care licensing requirements in the U.S. state of Minnesota, discusses the real-life story of a grandmother with a grandchild placed in foster care, explains the federal mandates established through the Adam Walsh Act, discusses the existing flaws in the process, and highlights the ways in which Minnesota’s current statutory scheme and processes disproportionally impact communities of color.

Wright, Amy Conley; Collings, Susan - Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal,

In Australia, the emerging model of child welfare policy and practice emphasises 'permanency and lifelong connections with birth families'.

University of Victoria,

This snapshot provides a brief overview of research examining culturally attuned ways to assess risk so that Indigenous children in Australia can be safely supported.

World Health Organization,

This book is part of the WHO Regional Office for Europe’s commitment to work for the health of refugees and migrants. It showcases good practices by which governments, non-state actors and international and nongovernmental organizations attempt to address the complexity of migration, by strengthening health system responsiveness to refugee and migrant health matters, and by coordinating and developing foreign policy solutions to improve health at the global, regional, country and local levels.

Early Childhood and School Education Group, Department of Education and Training, and the Youth and Families Division, Department of Health and Human Services,

The Early Childhood Agreement for Children in Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) was first developed in 2014 as a shared commitment by the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET), the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) to support young children in OOHC in Victoria, Australia to access key early childhood services.

Save the Children,

This document summarises Save the Children's involvement in supporting the Government of Myanmar and other partners to test and roll out a "First 1000 days" Maternal and Child Grant Programme that has proven to prevent chronic malnutrition.

Deborah Oppenheimer & Mark Jonathan Harris - HBO,

This documentary from HBO explores the often-misunderstood world of foster care in the U.S. through compelling stories from the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, the largest county child welfare agency in the country.